
Cause of disease

About the course of disease

About the treatment

Diuretic medicine is used to drain the accumulation of fluids in the body since this can put a strain on the heart.

Aldosteron antagonists is a diuretic medicine, which also has a relieving effect on the heart.

Beta blockers are used to counteract the strain on the heart that occurs when the pumping efficiency is reduced. They lower the pulse and blood pressure and thus reduces the heart's need for oxygen.

ACE-inhibitors reduce blood pressure and lower resistance in the smaller arteries, which also relieves the pressure on the heart.

Angiotensin II-antagonists reduce blood pressure and thus lower the strain on the heart.

Digoxin strengthens the heart's pumping efficiency and is only used if you in addition to heart failure also suffer from cardiac arythmia.

The above-mentioned medication is the most frequently used in treating heart failure, but other medication does exist.

More information

You are welcome to bring a relative to the consultations.


Heart Clinic 1 and 2

Telephone: 7842 6790

The phone is open between 8.00 am - 2.00 pm


Horsens Regional Hospital
Department of Medicine
Heart Clinic 1 and 2
Sundvej 30A
8700 Horsens

Send a secure e-mail to the department

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