The ward is a part of the Department of Medicine, which consists of 3 wards in total.
We have nurses, nurse's assistants, secretaries and doctors, who work closely together with other professions in the medical field to ensure the best possible treatment and care throughout your hospitalisation.
We also have trainees in the ward and we aim to ensure a good learning environment. You will therefore see trainees actively participating in tasks in the ward.
We focus highly on patient participation and involvement from relatives during your hospitalisation. It is of great importance, that you and your relatives communicate your needs and expectations regarding the treatment to the ward staff to ensure a better hospital stay.
We continually test new methods of patient participation. You can check the current procedures on our "patient participation board" on the wall in the corridor next to the nurse's office. We work to improve the patient involvement and would appreciate your ideas and feedback.
Ward rounds start weekdays at approximately 9.45 am and last approximately until 2.00 pm. We recommend that you write down any questions you may have before ward rounds - you can use our 'ward round card' for this. If you do not have this card already you can ask the staff to bring you one.
Relatives are welcome to participate in the ward rounds, please book a set time with your contact nurse.
Ward rounds take place in the rooms with discretion toward fellow patients. It is possible to have the ward round conversation in a private room.
We encourage you to be wearing your own clothing as often as possible during hospitalisation, because it will increase your level of comfort, reduce the feeling of being 'ill', and it makes you less confined to bed, which decreases the risk of complications such as pneumonia and loss of muscle mass and functional capacity.
Additionally, we encourage you to:
get out of bed as much as possible,
do as much of your personal hygiene as possible,
make the bed,
pick up your meals and drinks,
if possible.
The physical surroundings
The Cardiac Ward is found at Horsens Regional Hospital, entrance A, the Cardiac Ward, second floor, destination A8.
We are a ward with many emergency hospitalisations, and as a general rule you are on arrival assigned to an emergency bed and later moved to a regular bed in the ward. Due to the flow and distribution of patients in the ward, you may encounter additional moves during your hospitalisation, or to a different ward if your treatment no longer requires monitoring of your heart. You may not leave the ward if your heart is monitored, because we cannot monitor your heart outside the ward.
Meals and beverages
Breakfast: 8.00 am - 9.00 am
Lunch: 11.30 am - 12.15 pm
Dinner: 5 pm - 5.45 pm
Please let us know, if you have certain dietary needs.
During weekdays a nurse's assistant takes a trolley with snacks and drinks round every afternoon and fresh fruit and snacks are available for patients at the buffet throughout the day.
If you or your relatives need a cold drink or a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate, you are very welcome to help yourselves.
You must fill all meals and beverages out in the table, if you have a fluids-table or a diet- and fluids-table.
Phone and internet
Mobile phones can be used with discretion to your fellow patients.
We have a computer in the patients' sitting room available for patients and relatives. Do you wish a wireless internet connection, please search for the wireless network 'RegionMIDTgaest' and log on with your CPR-number.
There are many bacteria in a hospital and since you are less resistant when you are ill, we ask that you and your relatives focus on keeping a good hand hygiene.
We ask that you and your relatives sanitise your hands regularly and in the following situations:
when arriving at the ward
before meals
before taking tableware and beverages
after touching a contact point, e.g. door knobs
after picking up something from the floor
after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose
Wash your hands with soap first and then sanitise them when:
your hands are visibly dirty or wet
after going to the lavatory
after touching the catheter, the urine bottle or urine bag
after being in contact with vomit, false teeth, etc.
You sanitise your hands by pumping the dispenser twice onto dry hands. Spread the sanitiser on the surface of the hands, between the fingers, on the back of the hands and around the wrists. The sanitiser must be rubbed into the skin until the hands are dry (approximately 30 seconds).
During your hospitalisation you may only have 1-2 regular visitors. This means that it has to be the same 1-2 relatives who visit you during your hospitalisation. You must respect the distance requirements when you have visitors. We recommend that your relatives sit in a chair by the foot of the bed instead of on the side right by your face, or that you stay in the sitting room.
We do not have specific visiting hours in the ward, but we do ask, that you do not visit between 12 noon and 2 pm and after 9.30 pm.
Visitors must also be prepared to leave the room in case of ward rounds.
We urge that relatives contact you if possible, since it is allowed to use your own mobile phones in the ward.
We recommend that just one of your relatives function as contact person to the ward - this way we can take all patients into account.
Because of patient confidentiality it is limited what information we can pass on without your consent. It is therefore a good idea that your closest relative participates in the ward rounds when possible.
Be aware
This is a non-smoking hospital. We provide nicotine patch products. Should you need them, please ask the staff.
We are not responsible for your valuables in your bedside cabinet. Let your relatives take them home or leave them for safe-keeping at the hospital information counter.
When you come home
We aim to give you and your relatives the best possible experience during your hospitalisation. If there is anything specific that you or your relatives have appreciated or something that you think needs progress, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions - preferably in our mailbox for suggestions.
Before you are discharged, we urge you to, take off the bedlinen and put it in the laundry bag in the bathroom.
Remember to notify us of any deposited valuables before your discharge.
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