There are many bacteria in a hospital and since you are less resistant when you are ill, we ask that you and your relatives focus on keeping a good hand hygiene.
We ask that you and your relatives sanitise your hands regularly and in the following situations:
- when arriving at the ward
- before meals
- before taking tableware and beverages
- after touching a contact point, e.g. door knobs
- after picking up something from the floor
- after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose
Wash your hands with soap first and then sanitise them when:
- your hands are visibly dirty or wet
- after going to the lavatory
- after touching the catheter, the urine bottle or urine bag
- after being in contact with vomit, false teeth, etc.
You sanitise your hands by pumping the dispenser twice onto dry hands. Spread the sanitiser on the surface of the hands, between the fingers, on the back of the hands and around the wrists. The sanitiser must be rubbed into the skin until the hands are dry (approximately 30 seconds).