1. Use a clean container if you want to use the milk afterwards. It is best if the container is made of plastic in order for the milk fat not to stick to the inside of the container.
2. Try to relax. Breathe deeply and think about your baby.
3. Make the milk running. Try for example to massage the breast gently against the nipple (possibly in small circular movements), to stimulate the nipples between your thumb and index finger, or to lean forward and shake the upper body gently.
4. If you like you can take a hot shower or do something else that you think is nice.
5. Lean forward and support or lift the breast if possible by placing a hand flat on the thorax just below the breast.
6. Place your thumb above – and the next two fingers below – the nipple, on the edge of the brown area.
7. Press your fingers against the breast, towards the chest.
8. Pinch your fingers together around the milk chambers – and let go. Pinch and let go. Pinch and try to copy the suction rhythm of your baby.
9. Continue until the milk stops running down to the breast. Move the hand around in order to reach all of the milk chambers inside the breast. If you like use the other hand.
10. Repeat point 2-10 for as long as you need.
11. If you like try to pump out on both the breasts simultaneously.
12. Be patient and remember to breathe, even if it fails in the beginning.